Alwafa-Development Charitable Organization is anon-profit, non-governmental, none political,making nonpartisan and Humanitarian community based organization. |

about us
Alwafa-Development Charitable Organizati |
Alwafa-Development Charitable Organization is a non-profit, non-governmental, none political, making nonpartisan and Humanitarian community based organization |
our mission
To establish meaningfully effective program intervention system in integrated community enlightenment and self-reliance growth program with all concerned stakeholder involvement that combines social transformation for livelihood improvement and environmental protection
our vission
To see progressively transformed socioeconomic status of rural pastoralist community through building rural resilience and improved livelihood of vulnerable social groups as well as environmentallyfriendly rapid development
Program Areas.
ADCO involve in the following major Programme areas. |

- Establishing health centers in remote villages.
- Distributing of medicines to the needy.
- Providing veterinary and health care for livestock and resistance to animal diseases.
- Raising awareness of the society on the importance of environmental cleanliness as a basis for
health and protection from diseases and epidemics

- Establishing schools and renovating them
- Opening institutes of sciences and languag
- Participating in the construction and reconstruction of public facilities, such as building schools,
mosques, hospitals, and digging wells.

Displaced persons’ affairs and those affected by the drought
- Helping the displaced persons in matters of life, such as education and health.
- Providing charitable and in-kind assistance to victims of accidents and disasters.
➢ Beneficiaries. |
❖ The pastoralist community ❖ Displaced People. ❖ low-level Socio-economic communities. ❖ The poor and destitute ❖ The elderly ❖ Orphan Children. ❖ Women. ❖ People at risk for catastrophic purpose |

❖ ADCO, is keen in respecting the pre-established beliefs and norms of the universal society (as common values) and the community of the operation area as its fundamental values. ❖ Independence – Impartiality – Transparency. ❖ Humanity First =Working Collectively (Together forBetter). |
Operation Areas.
❖ Area one ✓ Fafan,Zone Jigjiga, Qolaji IDPs Camp. ❖ Area Two: ✓ Korahay. (Marsin, Higloolay,Kabridahar Kudunbur) ❖ Area three. ✓ Dawa Zone Moyale Warada |
Stakeholders (Program Partnership).
❖ UN agencies. ❖ Funding agencies. ❖ Individual Donors. ❖ Technical support providers. ❖ National development partners. ❖ Both Regional and Federal Government. ❖ The community (Both local and Diaspora) |
➢ Our Achievement.

kebele 11 jijiga somali region

Al-Wafa Development Charitable Organization (ADCO) is currently working closely with various Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Moreover, Somali Regional Health Bureau organizes cluster meeting which is held bi-weekly, whereas the last one we attended was held in 14 February, 2024 in Jigjiga.
- Actions from the previous meeting
- Surveillance updates and brief updates from Health partner
- Cholera response activities updates from the affected areas cholera response plan for the hotspot’s districts,
4.Health Cluster Information management updates (progress narrative reports,4w matrix using Activity Info, Monthly reports & last miles Distribution supplies
Finally, key action points were forwarded as follows:
1.Partners to actively participate in the ongoing cholera response and report their contribution for next meeting,
When: 28th of Feb, 2024
2.RHB, MSF-H, and SCI to be discussed jointly the Cholera Response activities harmonization of Kebri Dehar Woreda.
When: February 14, 2024
3.Somali Regional Health Bureau has to request Dignity kit from partners (UNFPA and others) and deliver to CTCs where there are high cases of females of reproductive age.
When: before the next meeting
4.RHB to write an official communication letter to partners who are not reporting to the regional health cluster but have an active presence in the region (an active project with RHB)

When: February 20, 2024
5.HC coordinator to liaise with UNHCR and IOM on the activating refugee and IDP-specific cholera response plan respectively for kabbalah City and Aware Woredas (Refugees) and Lagahida Woreda (IDPs).
When before the next meeting
6.RHB to increase case investigation rate to identify cholera risk factors and guide public health measures to contain the outbreak
7.RHB to send an alert message letter to the Woredas adjacent to those with high-risk woredas.
8.When: February 20, 2024